Time and Place
March 9th 2013, start: 9:00 AM. (first round, woman)
There will be separate runs for woman and man.
In every run the maximum number of athletes is 50.
If more athletes are willing to compete – more runs would be organized.
The winners will be the ones with the best time from all the runs (separate woman, separate man).
Participation is FREE of charge however every runner must be registered.
The Registration can be done ON-LINE or in place at the stadium.
To facilitate the process of registration we kindly request to reqister ON-LINE.
At the stadium the registration process will start at 8:00 AM.
The first round (woman) will start at 9:00 AM.
The time will be measured with a hand held watch by the organizers.
In disputable cases the organizer will have the right to decide.
1: 7500 shillings
2. 4500 shillings
3. 3000 shillings
1: 7500 shillings
2. 4500 shillings
3. 3000 shillings
The time will be measured with a hand held watch by the organizers.
In disputable cases the organizer will have the right to decide.