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Zaprawiony W Bojach
Zaprawiony W Bojach
Posty: 642
Rejestracja: 30 kwie 2021, 16:00
Życiówka na 10k: brak
Życiówka w maratonie: brak

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yacool pisze: 17 maja 2023, 11:33 Ej no kurde, to pewne info? ... s-in-force

Niedozwolone substancje/metoda.

No powiem, że powoli to zaczyna wyglądać słabiutko
New Balance but biegowy
Zaprawiony W Bojach
Zaprawiony W Bojach
Posty: 2037
Rejestracja: 18 lut 2017, 09:29
Życiówka na 10k: brak
Życiówka w maratonie: brak

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Dopisek ABP case chyba sugeruje, że wykryto nieprawidłowości w paszporcie biologicznym?

Sent from my ASUS_I006D .

Zaprawiony W Bojach
Zaprawiony W Bojach
Posty: 1977
Rejestracja: 17 cze 2019, 09:21
Życiówka na 10k: brak
Życiówka w maratonie: brak

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yacool pisze: 17 maja 2023, 11:33 Ej no kurde, to pewne info?
Sprawa jest w toku. Pomyłki się zdarzają i tak może być i tym razem. Chodzi o paszport biologiczny (ABP), z tego co zrozumiałem wyniki hemoglobiny w 2018 były podejrzane i nic więcej. Wszystko tak naprawdę zależy od interpretacji wyników przez ekspertów.

Bardzo szanuję podejście Davora i managementu (Ikaika), bo nawet jak zdarzył się u nich przypadek dopingu wcześniej to opublikowali obszerne wyjaśnienia sytuacji w przeciwieństwie do największych managementów, które siedzą w takich przypadkach cicho.

Wierzę, że Rhonex jest czysty i znowu będzie świetnie biegać.

Najważniejszy, moim zdaniem, fragment z oświadczenia Ikaika Sports o sytuacji Rhonexa:

AIU wants us to explain a more than four-year-old case. To know today what happened with an athlete almost five years ago, why a particular biomarker (haemoglobin) was elevated, not only in relative terms, but in their experts’ opinions, also in absolute terms.

At the same time, it is very hard to understand that if a particular haemoglobin value was and is of such significance to the panel of experts, how could the athlete be allowed to compete for almost four years, without question being asked about that particular haemoglobin value.

We are not informed by the AIU about – who flags the samples and whole ABPs; who hands them over to the experts for the review; who knows and when the identity of an athlete whose samples or ABP are being or not being flagged; who chooses three independent experts (and how) for a particular flagged ABP; how many experts form the pool of experts AIU consults?

Reszta najważniejszych informacji:

The AIU panel of experts evaluated the ABP records for the period July 2018 - March 2022.

All out-of-competition (OOC) and in-competition (IC) tests, more than 50, were negative. All (but one OOC test) were unannounced. Rhonex was tested in-and-out of his specified 1-hour testing slots – morning, mid-day and evening.

In total, there were 32 ABP blood tests (2 IC and 30 OOC) – from those 32, on 20 occasions urine samples were collected as well.

Additional 17 IC urine tests were done, plus 3 more urine-only OOC tests.

Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESA), EPO, ferritin, among other substances, were frequently tested for. There were no positive results for any of the banned substances.

4 tests, i.e. 12.5 per cent (!), were eliminated from the ABP due to technical deficiencies in taking or storing the samples.

Rhonex’s whereabouts are very regular and predictable. Locations in Iten - the camp (St. Patrick’s), and a private home, 5-10 minutes drive from the camp. His rural home is reachable within 90 minutes from the camp. He is super-predictable. No hidden, remote or inaccessible training camps or last minute whereabouts changes. Only one missed test in 3.5 years – mid-2019, when he travelled to the rural home in a rush due to a sudden family matter. No ABP flags in 2019 and early 2020, which was by far his most successful athletic period to date.

The athlete is being publicly prosecuted with no direct evidence. We have a forensic science system, but lack of opportunities to be 1) informed which data on athlete was collected; 2) analyse all collected data; 3) run independent tests on collected and stored samples. This is how the system works.

AIU wants us to explain a more than four-year-old case. To know today what happened with an athlete almost five years ago, why a particular biomarker (haemoglobin) was elevated, not only in relative terms, but in their experts’ opinions, also in absolute terms.

At the same time, it is very hard to understand that if a particular haemoglobin value was and is of such significance to the panel of experts, how could the athlete be allowed to compete for almost four years, without question being asked about that particular haemoglobin value.

We are not informed by the AIU about – who flags the samples and whole ABPs; who hands them over to the experts for the review; who knows and when the identity of an athlete whose samples or ABP are being or not being flagged; who chooses three independent experts (and how) for a particular flagged ABP; how many experts form the pool of experts AIU consults?

Rhonex has repeated he is fully committed and ready to undergo a longitudinal study on his blood markers while being under 24/7 supervision. The study should consist of a simulation of conditions under which the ABP samples were collected in the past. It means that Rhonex will be thoroughly monitored by an expert entity throughout a specific or even an open-end period. He offered AIU to agree on the parameters of the study which should be supervised by a leading university. Unfortunately, AIU has never shown any interest in such a procedure. In contrast to the AIU’s opinion, we believe that such a procedure is needed to allow Rhonex to clear his name by any means necessary – especially while offered by the athlete himself.

Athletes and agents have no access to experts who consult with AIU, but with the science being a cornerstone of the process and with the process being so dependent on 1) proprietary Adaptive Model (“black box”) and 2) experts’ interpretations of physiology – having access to the pool of experts who consult with AIU (but are not engaged on a particular ABP matter) is of paramount importance if we are in search of the complete truth, truth that can “incriminate” athlete or “set him free”. This needs a systemic change because in this system, justice is inaccessible to the athlete through very difficult or almost impossible access to adequate defence.

Dr. Douwe de Boer, biochemist, independent expert 1:
“A potential lack of transparency is arguably unfair to innocent athletes. Without all the details, how can athletes adequately defend themselves? As pressure to reinforce sanctions increases, so too should the pressure to release more results.”

T. G. H. Wiggers MSc, MD, sports medicine physician, independent expert 2:
“In my opinion, there is insufficient evidence to find this athlete guilty of an ADRV because there is insufficient quality of the analytical procedures (sample taking until registration of the test results) and because there are physiological reasons that can explain his test results.”

Jiří Dostal MD, physiologist, independent expert 3:
“Overall – there are other plausible explanations of the ABP values other than doping only, as proposed by the panel of experts. Based on the data provided, the experts did not look at the broad picture of all possible biological factors that can explain the ABP values, and they focused on one explanation only – doping. I call on the expert panel to examine the influence of the following factors which the athlete probably suffered over the past years: overall erratic training program during Covid-19 pandemics which could have led to the significant changes in plasma volumes and related haematological parameters; frequent de-training and re-commencement of training due to series of serious infectious diseases and illness; last, but not the least, significant consumption of alcohol. All those confounding factors might have a significant impact on the hematopoiesis and can explain the APF.”

Travis Tygart, CEO of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA):
“World Anti-Doping Code in certain cases railroads innocent athletes into four year sanctions. At our last count, we recorded 27 cases where athletes did absolutely nothing wrong but were treated like intentional cheats. Athletes have been unjustly charged with a violation and publicly recognised for ingesting a prohibited substance from a completely innocent source.”
Source: https://www.sportsintegrityinitiative.c ... -politics/

Brother Colm, Rhonex Kipruto’s coach:
“I carefully choose who I work with and to whom I dedicate my energy. I know Rhonex is an honest young man and it hurts me to see him suffering now. Our strategy is to train hard, and that's the only way we achieve results. I have said many times that I am in favour of systematically combating doping so that we can protect clean athletes like Rhonex.”

Rhonex Kipruto:
“I don't cheat or dope! The truth is on my side. This is all I can say.”
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Zaprawiony W Bojach
Zaprawiony W Bojach
Posty: 1977
Rejestracja: 17 cze 2019, 09:21
Życiówka na 10k: brak
Życiówka w maratonie: brak

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W USA nowy rekord licalistów na 5000m. Lex Young (rocznik 2005) pobiegł 13:34 na meetingu w Los Angeles.
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Zaprawiony W Bojach
Zaprawiony W Bojach
Posty: 13205
Rejestracja: 03 gru 2008, 11:25

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Do poniedziałku nie dało rady z tym poczekać? Zjebałeś mi weekend.
Zaprawiony W Bojach
Zaprawiony W Bojach
Posty: 1977
Rejestracja: 17 cze 2019, 09:21
Życiówka na 10k: brak
Życiówka w maratonie: brak

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yacool pisze: 28 maja 2023, 10:14 Do poniedziałku nie dało rady z tym poczekać? Zjebałeś mi weekend.
Wychodzi na to, że Seba musi gonić
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Zaprawiony W Bojach
Zaprawiony W Bojach
Posty: 4954
Rejestracja: 31 lip 2015, 15:36
Życiówka na 10k: 40:35
Życiówka w maratonie: 3:13:29

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Ricardo pisze: 28 maja 2023, 19:29 Wychodzi na to, że Seba musi gonić
A Seba nie jest juz za stary na liceum? :niewiem:
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Zaprawiony W Bojach
Zaprawiony W Bojach
Posty: 13205
Rejestracja: 03 gru 2008, 11:25

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Jeżeli to pozwoli na sub 14, to ja chętnie zapiszę go do klasy dla dorosłych. Może na lakcjach wuefu czegoś się nauczy.
Zaprawiony W Bojach
Zaprawiony W Bojach
Posty: 1977
Rejestracja: 17 cze 2019, 09:21
Życiówka na 10k: brak
Życiówka w maratonie: brak

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Lamecha Girma idzie po wszystko


Etiopczyk po ustanowieniu halowego rekordu na 3000m (7:23) i zwycięstwie w pierwszym meetingu Diamentowej Ligii na tym samym dystansie (7:26), zapowiada atak na rekord świata w biegu na 3000m z przeszkodami. Girma spróbuje pobić wynik należący do Saifa Saaeeda Shaheena (7:53.63) w piątek 09.06.2023r. podczas meetingu Diamentowej Ligii w Paryżu.
Zaprawiony W Bojach
Zaprawiony W Bojach
Posty: 1977
Rejestracja: 17 cze 2019, 09:21
Życiówka na 10k: brak
Życiówka w maratonie: brak

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Jacob Kiplimo przygotowuje się do otwarcia sezonu na bieżni. Ugandyjczyk wystartuje na 5000m w meetingu Diamentowej Ligii w Oslo 15. czerwca. Zmierzy się między innymi z Nicholasem Kimeli, Telahunem Haile Bekele i Selemonem Baregą


Filmik z treningu Jacoba: ... wsKJw&s=19
Zaprawiony W Bojach
Zaprawiony W Bojach
Posty: 642
Rejestracja: 30 kwie 2021, 16:00
Życiówka na 10k: brak
Życiówka w maratonie: brak

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No i Jakob powiedział, że zrobi pobiegł i mamy nowy WR na 2 mile.


i kilometry
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Posty: 4316
Rejestracja: 02 lis 2020, 22:20
Lokalizacja: zdecydowanie las

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Zaprawiony W Bojach
Zaprawiony W Bojach
Posty: 642
Rejestracja: 30 kwie 2021, 16:00
Życiówka na 10k: brak
Życiówka w maratonie: brak

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pawo pisze: 09 cze 2023, 21:3914:05.20

Rozdupcone. Oj to Panowie na WTC będą musieli się postarać
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Posty: 4316
Rejestracja: 02 lis 2020, 22:20
Lokalizacja: zdecydowanie las

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Ostatnie 600 tempem 2:30, szybka skubana jest.

edit: czy ja źle liczę, bo to mało realne jest :niewiem:
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Zaprawiony W Bojach
Zaprawiony W Bojach
Posty: 13205
Rejestracja: 03 gru 2008, 11:25

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Cyferki nieważne. Ładnie biegła.