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Zaprawiony W Bojach
Zaprawiony W Bojach
Posty: 10535
Rejestracja: 19 cze 2001, 04:38
Życiówka na 10k: 30:59
Życiówka w maratonie: 2:18
Lokalizacja: lokalna

Nieprzeczytany post

Ostatnio pogadalem nieco z ortotami na wystawie butow i musze przyznac ze ci ludzie maja ogromna wiedze .
Wkleje po raz wtory orzeczenie na temat moich stop :

Your foot is a ‘medium- negative’ volume, meaning it is lower than average in volume, and very narrow- probably a true ‘C’ width, which is why I joked that you have an ‘ice skate’ for a foot. Your arch length is also long, however, average, too. The alignment I demonstrated has to do with your ‘neutral position’ of the relationship of your navicular bone to your talus bone, and from there, in relation to the center of your knee, point of your hip, and center of your shoulder socket. All these things add up to efficient movement (or lack thereof), especially as one begins to move to the running gait.

Facet podarowal mi wkladki Sole , profilowane na cieplo .
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Jutup: http://www.youtube.com/user/wojtek1425/videos?view=0