Dostałem dzisiaj maila tej treści:
"Hi Andrzej
Hope you're well. I found another vocabulary test, which I thought you might be interested in.
Here's the link: ... 6qFUz0yCKg
According to this test, there are 22559 words in my vocabulary (top 5.73% of test takers).
I'm sure some of you on this email list can manage to beat my score, as you did when I shared the previous test.
One more thing...
If you're thinking about joining my group online course, there are still a couple of places left.
Details and the link to join are in the attached PDF.
See you
Jade Joddle Speaking Skills
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Każdy może się sprawdzić, fajna rzecz taki test.
Mój wynik to 22412 (5,98%) i napisali mi tak:
"Your vocabulary is at the level of professional white-collars in the US."
To oczywiście bzdura; to nie jest moje słownictwo, potrafię tylko nie najgorzej czytać

a w rozmowie nie potrafiłbym znaleźć określeń na najprostsze sprawy