Skorzystałem z pomocy Yasha, który pięknie wyartykułował angielską wersję moich wątpliwości i wrzucił zapytanie na - - i otrzymałem interesującą odpowiedź:
"I am neither a proper dietician or a vegetarian, but being a scientist, I can offer some insight...
While there are definite benefits to vegetarian diets, there are also potential pitfalls if such a diet is not planned carefully. Humans did not evolve as strict herbivores, and thus adhering to a strict herbivore diet may not 'optimum' where human health is concerned. While sedentary people may not realize the deficiencies inherent to such a diet, an athlete surely will in due time.
Vegans will usually lack in B vitamins (especially B12) and iron, which creates a ripe condition for anemia. Furthermore, the increased protein needs of an athlete will not be served well by strict plant proteins. Even the most efficient plant protein (soy) is inferior to animal proteins such as egg and whey.
Your friend would be wise to supplement his diet with high efficiency B12 (5000mcg/day) and other B vitamins, and a good whey protein supplement. If he is a total vegan (no animal products - no whey), he would need to adequately supplement his diet (hopefully high in soy) with a synthetically produced amino acid supplement. As you mentioned, a deficiency in any one of the essential amino acids will result in a deficiency in any protein that contains that amino acid. Of course, there are potential deficiencies with zinc, iodine, and other minerals, and you should look into this.
Years of dietetic deficiencies associated with vegetarianism can result in various long term problems (including cancer), and the elevated white count may or may not be related. The diagnosis of the source for that condition is best left up to a qualified physician.
I did find found something that may or may not indicate a link between the elevated WBC and B12 deficiency:
Bylbym bardzo wdzięczny za jakieś dalsze opinie.
(Edited by Olek at 10:11 pm on May 7, 2004)